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I finished this challenge on 6th August ‘ 23 😅


7 Days and 7 Projects on plain HTML, CSS and JavaScript and external libraries like jQuerry and GSAP, this one week long small challenge has turned out the best for me to grasp the basics of JavaScript, revising the basics like arrays, strings, events, DOM, CDN etc. In the following peojects these all came very handy.

Rules for me 😅

  • create a project per day a project could be: an app, a component, a website, a game, a library, etc
  • the project has to be done by 11:59 PM
  • make sure to deploy and maintain responsiveness throughout
  • PROJECT LIST (hover on projects to preview, click to visit)

    Why this challenge ?

    There are big challenges in our community such as : #100DaysOfCode, #30DaysOfCode, #100Days100projects.
    Its highly recommended to start small, the above 7-8 projects are in a order from simple Js functions to advance functions.
    If you are currently starting with web development or a beginner or intermediate, building JavaScript projects is the best way to learn.
    Feel free to checkout my repository. ALL THE BEST

    Latest Project Videos

    farmSpect - A prototype for german ministry for the farm controlling

    ADIP Scheme - A prototype for Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment

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